Investment Management

Building goal based portfolios


SAMT has a dedicated team of highly experienced investment professionals to provide the following spectrum of investment advisory services to institutional clients. We have 20 years of experience managing institutional assets. This specialized experience enables us to effectively construct portfolios to align with your institution’s mission. We believe our industry knowledge and robust investment technology platform can dramatically enhance the sophistication and ability to acheive goals.
  • Develop Investment Policy Statements that clearly define client objectives and outline all fiduciary roles and responsibilities
  • Construct investment portfolios with customized asset allocations
  • Provide customized Fixed Income only portfolios
  • Utilize in-house investment management expertise to reduce overall fees
  • Implement tactical rebalancing strategies and real time risk management
  • Provide monthly consolidated reporting
  • Display and measure performance by asset class

Fixed Income Specialty

We have built an internal team that specializes in the fixed income asset class. Our separate account strategy can significantly reduce fees while increasing the predictability of investment results.

Risk Management Platform

SAMT has a very disciplined and quantitative process for risk management. This is one of our hallmarks to successfully executing our investment philosophy. The approach to risk management begins with our technology platform that allows us to monitor positions on a real time basis.